The UNITED Table- What’s Up Gastropod?- Talk & Tasting

Please join us at the UNITED Table for the next event in our series with Eating With the Ecosystem as they host a panel and tasting event showcasing Gastropods – or Snails of the sea – Whelks, periwinkles, and slipper limpets. These local delicacies are often overlooked or shipped elsewhere for processing and feasting. Join us to hear from those fishing for, studying and preparing these local and sustainable mollusks. Following the panel we will move into the gallery events space where attendees will get a free beer or wine along with a taste of some of the delicious gastropods from the region.


The UNITED Table series is a new culinary entertainment series presented by The United Theatre to celebrate the food we eat and the creative, hardworking people who take the care and thought in preparing and presenting that food, preserving its history, and filling our lives with the tastes, smells, and experiences that bring people together. Through conversations, tastings, book talks, food fests, and screenings from the culinary cineverse, The UNITED Table invites you to pull up a chair. Bon appétit!

Eating with the Ecosystem is a Rhode Island Non-profit focused on a place based approach to seafood in New England where we have great opportunities to support our local economy, our environment and our health through the sustainable harvest of fish.